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Elevate Your Employer Brand with Great Place To Work

First things first, what is employer branding? In short, it is a strategic process that revolves around managing and influencing an organisation’s reputation as an employer. It is shaping what people think of the company when it comes to employment, creating the organisation’s attractiveness to potential hires. Employer branding is essential to attract talent, retain talent and establish credibility.

An organisation’s Employer Branding isn’t just about logos and slogans; it’s about shaping perceptions, attracting talent, and fostering a positive work environment.

Now in only two points... How can a Great Place To Work certification, as a recognition label, boost your employer brand?

1. Employee retention

Your people are your competitive advantage! But only when they’re having a great employee experience. A positive employee experience leads to more engaged, motivated and committed employees. Regular recognition, for example by means of a yearly certification, fosters a sense of belonging and pride. Employees who work for a certified organisation may be reluctant to consider moving to a non-certified company.

In Great Place To Work certified™ companies, 83% of employees aspire a long-term commitment to their organisation.

2. Talent attraction

Are your top candidates choosing other companies? A recognition label reflects the unique benefits and experiences employees can expect. When job candidates see that an organisation has earned the label, they perceive it as a place where their future efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. Not only does this strengthen your EVP, it also sets you apart from competitors.

In Great Place To Work certified companies, 85% of employees enthusiastically recommend their workplace to friends and family.

It goes without saying that employee advocacy is an important pillar within an organisation’s Employer Branding strategy.

Having earned a recognition label centralising your employees’ voice, is the best token to reflect people’s pride. Satisfied current and former employees can be an invaluable source of candidate referrals, strengthening your ability to attract and retain top talent. 
It even goes beyond that. For example: Organisations that invest in employee experience show on average 2x the customer satisfaction and 25% higher profits (source: MIT CISR Workplace Experience Research).
In short: There is no PR equivalent of a vocal (employee) network that endorses you as an employer.

Is your company culture great? If so, earning recognition as a Certified™ Great Place To Work or Best Workplace™ should be part of your employer branding strategy. Get the third-party validation that the market respects and employees seek out.

"Having the “Great Place to Work” label for several years serves as a powerful magnet for talent. It's a public affirmation of our sustained commitment to nurturing a supportive and dynamic work environment. This reputation significantly aids in attracting new talent and retaining our invaluable existing team, creating a vibrant and stable workforce"

"Our GPTW certification has enabled us to strengthen our employer brand, attract new talent and highlight the importance we place on people within our company."

"Such a certificate ensures that as an applicant you automatically gain confidence in the organisation. They are actively working on it, it is high on their agenda"

How to integrate the label into your Employer Branding

Whether you are starting, finalising or finetuning your organisation’s Employer Branding strategy, strongly consider starting your journey and aim for (y)our recognition label. It will add credibility to your employer brand, and help you attract and retain the talent needed to realise your organisation’s goals. Let the label replace the -sometimes unnatural- bragging.

After having earned Great Place To Work certification, we will provide you with the insights and materials to optimise your employer brand and integrate your recognition efficiently. Our “Marketing & Communication Guidelines” will provide you with tips as well as examples of optimal implementation of the label.

  • How do organisations include their certification in their internal/external communication (e.g. e-mails)?
  • How is the label used within the recruitment process?
  • How can we make sure people are aware of our certification?
  • ...

Not obtaining the label doesn’t mean you cannot optimise your Employer Brand based on your employees’ quantitative and qualitative feedback. Our Trust Index survey provides you with interesting insights for you to share. While we are critically going through the survey results with you and define the areas of improvement, you can already actively start making use of the positive elements that have been highlighted to further build that Employer Brand.

Multiple recognition opportunities with just one application

When you launch the GPTW survey, a certified Great Place To Work can earn multiple labels beyond Certification.

By ranking among Belgium’s top Best Workplaces, you secure an additional Best Workplaces label. Furthermore, achieving this status might make you eligible for the European Best Workplaces, enhancing your employer branding on an international scale.

If your company is international, with over 5000+ employees worldwide and at least 40% working outside headquarters, appearing on 3 or more national Best Workplaces lists in Europe could even earn you the prestigious golden World’s Best Workplaces label.

Ready to start your journey?